Polymer stabilizers are compounds used to preserve and protect plastics, rubbers, and elastomers from environmental degradation and helps them last longer. They have many advantages over traditional stabilizers, such as being non-toxic and eco-friendly, and reducing product costs. Recent research has explored new technologies for improving the properties of polymers stabilizers, as well as their usage in various applications.
Polymer stabilizers has been widely used and can be seen everywhere. Polymer stabilizers are used in various industries such as automotive, construction, packaging, electrical and electronics, and medical. The automotive industry is one of the major large-scale applications, where about 75% of polymer stabilizers are used. They provide protection against aging, oxidation and other forms of degradation caused by UV rays, heat and humidity. In construction, they help to improve the strength and flexibility of building materials, while in packaging they reduce the risk of packaging components reacting with their content. In electrical and electronic products, they help reduce electrical component failures and extend the life of wiring. In the medical industry, they are widely used in the production of medical devices and biodegradable materials.
Polymer stabilizers has several advantages over traditional stabilizers. Firstly, they are non-toxic and eco-friendly, so they are safe for both human and environment health. Secondly, they can reduce product costs because they are cheaper than traditional stabilizers. Finally, they can extend the useful life of plastic, rubber, and elastomer products by protecting them from degradation.
In recent years, a lot of research has been done on polymers stabilizers. Many new polymers stabilizers have been developed that are more effective than traditional ones. Researchers have also explored new techniques to improve their performance, such as adding nanomaterials or coating them with organic compounds. Additionally, research has also been focused on the use of polymers stabilizers in various applications such as medical device manufacturing and biodegradable materials.